Make a difference 

Options for giving

You choose how you would like your financial support to be used.

General Fund- To be used as needed to support the ongoing ministry of BNF

Trees of Life- Be a monthly, quarterly or annual patron of BNF and select how your support is used for Education, BNF Summit, Medical Mission trips, Missionaries, Students or General Fund

Ellen Tabor Fund- Assists with BNFmembers’ healthcare mission trips, missionary nurses wiith conntinuing education and trael to the BNF Summit.

Hope Fund- Assists wtiht he operaton of BNFF and its ministry

Marjorie Grober Fund- Finances special activities and missions projects of BNF as directed by the BNF Executive Team.

Student Fund- Proviides funding to assist BNF nursiing student members involvement in mission projects and to provide shchilarships for undergraudate nursing students.

Elijah Fund- For general operational and ministry expenses of the BNF orgnaization.

Spikes Fund- Provides supplemental financial support for BNF professional bookkeeping and accouting services.